CI20 Distros

Revision as of 08:58, 9 December 2014 by ZubairLK (talk | contribs) (Debian: removed mention of old pdf file for flashing. pointed towards wiki)
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The CI20 ships with Debian7 installed, but a number of other distributions have been built and run on CI20 already. Those distributions are undergoing preparation for their images to be uploaded to the file store, and the links here will be updated in due course.

As the images are generated the procedure used to build and burn the images will be documented by articles in the CI20 Rootfs Guides category.

How to burn images

For instructions on how to use the below images please see the entry here on the Dev Zone page


The Debian7 NAND burning image, as used for the production NAND image, is available to download from these links. Note, it is approximately a 1Gbyte download:

To burn the CI20 on-board NAND back to the factory default image download the following SDcard image and follow the instructions on Flashing the NAND Image.

Debian 7 Factory Default

The default Debian7 NAND image is available here

The rootfs tarball used to create this image is available here

The associated md5sums are

dc330745036cefd853ceb56d09d46334  debian-nand-v2-20140625.img
f0148cf26475fe019c8ed91a11d6c331  rootfs-20140625.tar

Debian 7 beta image

An upgraded beta Debian7 NAND image is available here. The changelog is available here NOTE: DEFAULT UART HEADER CHANGED!

The rootfs tarball used to create this image is available here

The associated md5sum is

255d6d70b48f6e15e6785c3c851949de  debian_2014_09_12.img

Please verify the MD5 of the image you download before using.

Debian 7 FSF Image

A Free Software Foundation compatible image (pending review) is available here.

md5sum 8ef04efc2405108dfbf815238a866480 debian_2014_09_12_FSF.img

The changelog for this image is here

Note: This image is based on the newer edition of the Debian7 image.

Upgrading to Debian 8 / Jessie

Before you upgrade

Before upgrading you must ensure you have a kernel with CONFIG_FHANDLE enabled since the version of udev in jessie now requires it. The kernel supplied in the NAND image does not have this option enabled. You can test if you have it by running

grep 'T sys_open_by_handle_at' /proc/kallsyms

Old kernels will print nothing, up to date kernels will print the symbol address.

After you upgrade:

  • Graphics acceleration will not work (the powervr drivers currently don't work with xorg 1.16).
  • MPlayer will be removed.
  • Your system will be converted to run systemd.


All commands should be run as root.

Move PVR specific xorg.conf out of the way

mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.pvr

Remove PVR module from /etc/modules

sed -i 's/pvrsrvkm//' /etc/modules

Update sources.list to point to jessie

sed -i 's/wheezy/jessie' /etc/apt/sources.list

Update package lists

apt-get update

Upgrade packages

apt-get dist-upgrade
APT may decide to remove some packages here - look carefully at the list before pressing yes.
During the upgrade you will be asked what to do about a modified version of /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf. Select N here (selecting Y is ok, but will disable autologin).

To save some space you can remove some old packages by running

apt-get autoremove
apt-get autoclean

If everything goes well, reboot



Android KitKat 4.4 image is available for download.

The image is 1.1Gbyte. You'll need an SD card to flash it on the CI20. Check Flashing the NAND Image

2014-11-26-v0.3 download here


  • Default resolution switched to 720p.


  • Videos work. Check out in the browser!
  • Takes quite a bit of time for first boot after you flash android. So don't worry :).

For further detail check out the Android on the MIPS CI20 page.

Older images

2014-11-20-v0.2 download here


  • NAND storage upgraded to 4Gbyte.
  • SD Card hotplug issue fixed

2014-11-05-v0.1 download here

Old Notes

  • Storage limit to 1Gbyte at the moment.
  • SD card does not auto mount for Android. You can manually mount using mount -t vfat /dev/block/mmcblk0p1 /storage/sdcard1 and view files from commandline. But Android won't detect it..


A Gentoo Linux SDCard image is available on the Gentoo mirrors:


All the instructions are in the README file.

Please find the Gentoo mirrors list here:


Yocto Sato is running on CI20 - you can download the image here

The image is around 200Mbyte. You'll need an SD card to flash it on the CI20. Check Flashing the NAND Image.

The image was made using the steps documented on How to make a Yocto Rootfs for CI20

A few details

  • Serial/Getty is on ttyS0. If you find a fix for getty on ttyS4, please email the list.
  • Display Resolution compiled in kernel is 1024x768 for greater compatibility with monitors.
  • The image uses kernel 3.0.8


Angstrom with a XFCE4 UI is running on the CI20 - you can download the image here

The image is 1Gbyte. You'll need an SD card to flash it on the CI20. Check Flashing the NAND Image.

The image was made using the steps documented on How to make an Angstrom Rootfs for CI20


Arch is running on CI20, and an image is in progress...


OpenWRT support is a work in progress. Check the following links: