EBC azure

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thumb‎ Embedded Linux Class by Mark A. Yoder

Here's how to set a virtual machine in Microsoft's azure cloud to compile a kernel.

Setting up an Account

If you have a Promo Code

If you don't have a Promo Code

Selecting and Starting a New Instance

Once you have an azure login


  • Click on +NEW on the bottom left of the page.


  • Select VIRTUAL MACHINE, QUICK CREATE and fill in the fields. The best machine you can get is 2 cores.
  • Click CREATE A VIRTUAL MACHINE on the bottom right.
  • Once you machine is running (it will take a few minutes), click on it.


  • Click on DASHBOARD on the upper left above the cloud.


  • Scroll to the bottom until you see DNS NAME. Remember this name.

Connecting to Your Instance

Connecting to your machine is as easy as ssh, just substitute your machine's name for mine. Note, the default account is azureuser.

$ ssh -XC azureuser@test-yoder.cloudapp.net
Warning: Permanently added 'test-yoder.cloudapp.net,' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-36-generic x86_64)

 * Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com/

  System information as of Mon Oct  6 22:01:12 UTC 2014

  System load: 0.79               Memory usage: 2%   Processes:       208
  Usage of /:  16.4% of 28.80GB   Swap usage:   0%   Users logged in: 0

  Graph this data and manage this system at:

  Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:

Last login: Mon Oct  6 18:05:12 2014 from

You can now use the machine as you would your host.

Connecting More Easily

You have to type a lot to do a simple ssh. Here's how to save some typing. On the page where you found the DNS NAME, look for the PUBLIC VIRTUAL PI (VIP) ADDRESS. Put it in /etc/hosts on the machine you are ssh'ing from (not your azure machine).

$ sudo vi /etc/hosts

Add a line like:   azure

where the number is your azure machine's IP address.

$ vi ~/.ssh/config

and add

Host azure
   User azureuser
   UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
   StrictHostKeyChecking no

And finally

$ ssh-copy-id azure

Now you can login without a password. This can be done from either you host your bone.

$ ssh -XC azure

You can even copy to and from with

$ scp local_file azure:remote_file

Watch out though, every time you stop your machine an restart it, it will get a new IP address. You can run the following to find out the new address.

$ nslookup test-yoder.cloudapp.net

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:	test-yoder.cloudapp.net

Controlling azure from the Command Line

azure has a nice web interface, but you can also control it from the command line with azure-cli.

$ npm install -g azure-cli

xplat-cli shows how to configure your host machine to connect to your azure account. Pretty much you do

$ azure account download

to get a settings file and then

$ azure account import [path to .publishsettings file]

to configure your account. (See xplat-cli) for details.

Once configured you can start your virtual machine with

$ azure vm start test-yoder

Or stop it with

$ azure vm shutdown test-yoder

There are many more options. See [1] for details.

Attach a Virtual Disk

See [2] to learn how to attach a virtual disk.

thumb‎ Embedded Linux Class by Mark A. Yoder