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Revision as of 07:56, 9 August 2012 by Lxndr (talk | contribs) (Building XBMC from source using Qemu)
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As I can't find a decent overview of how to get XBMC working on the Raspberry Pi without resorting to downloading a dedicated image, this page should give everyone a hand getting set up (that is, if I am successful...)

Ways of installing XBMC

Getting XBMC from the repos (doesn't work in Wheezy) Building XBMC on the raspi (takes a long time) Building XBMC on a Windows machine (Qemu)

So far I haven't got it running...

Building XBMC from source using Qemu

Since it is unbelievably slow to build XBMC on the Raspberry Pi, I used a Windows machine with Qemu to do the build. Ubuntu cross-compile should work to0, but I didn't try it yet...


After installing OpenVPN follow this guide to create (remember it's name and make sure there's no spaces in it) a network TAP interface http://linuxclues.blogspot.com/2007/06/installing-qemu-on-windows-vista.html

On Windows, create folder structure like so:

D:\Qemu (holding the Qemu for Windows 1.0.1+ zip contents)
D:\Qemu\Raspbian (holding the 'kernel-qemu' file and the Raspbian image)

Then create a .bat file under D:\Qemu, containing the following launch string:

qemu-system-arm.exe -M versatilepb -cpu arm1136 -m 1024 -kernel raspbian\kernel-qemu -hda raspbian\2012-07-15-wheezy-raspbian.img -net nic -net tap,ifname=TAP0 -append "root=/dev/sda2 panic=1" -serial stdio

Resize the Raspbian image

Fix raspi-config resize issue with Qemu:

cp /usr/bin/raspi-config ~
sed -i 's/mmcblk0p2/sda2/' ~/raspi-config                                                                              
sed -i 's/mmcblk0/sda/' ~/raspi-config
sudo ~/raspi-config

