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BURN3 is a firmware for the ZipIt that contains a basic Linux distribution that is mainly useful for loading other, more feature-rich firmwares (such as OpenZipIt) onto the ZipIt.

BURN3 is pretty much exactly what was on the zipit when you got it, but instead of going to the messenger app by default it goes to a Linux console terminal instead. Login as root, and once you're in, type in zrun then hit enter and it's the same as an unmodded zipit. As far as what can it do, its an embedded linux box (w/ 802.11) but honestly, not too much more. If you then install OpenZipIt or "Adam's Alternate ROM load" then you'll have a small wireless ssh client (see ZipIt Software for more info).

Installing BURN3 from Windows using serial connection

(requires serial port hardware mod see: Zipit Hardware Mods)

detailed instructions to be written here

Download the following file and unzip it to a directory on your Windows PC: zipit_reflash_kit03.zip you should also get: zipit_tool_extras.zip

Original sources:

www.aibohack.com/zipit/zipit_reflash_kit03.zip www.aibohack.com/zipit/zipit_tool_extras.zip

Installing BURN3 from Windows via WiFi

Only works if your Zipit has firmware earlier than Ver 2.01

Download the following file and unzip it to a directory on your Windows PC: Media:zipit_reflash_kit03.zip

In order to install BURN3 using Windows XP, one first has to configure Windows to be an ad-hoc networking node. For instructions on this, please see: ZipIt WinXP Setup Alternatively you may connect via an access point that is disconnected from the Internet and has WEP disabled.

Once this is done, follow the original instructions from the heading "Instructions (Windows PC)"

Installing Burn3 from Linux via serial connection

(requires serial port hardware mod see: Zipit Hardware Mods)

Download the following file and unzip it to a directory on your Linux box: Media:zipit_reflash_kit03.zip

My linux port of the upl utility should work with the 3-wire mod. It can be found at:

 (look for zipit-flash)

Although I have the 5-wire mod myself, I never did get this linux port correctly reading data from the zipit. I use it regularly to flash my zipit. Here's a little transcript:

  $ ./upl /dev/ttyS1 zpm.bin
  Turn on the Zipit (press button, wait for green, release)
    Wait 10 seconds, then press ENTER to start transfer
    (DBG pin must be grounded)

  Transfering bootstrap program
  Transfer complete
  Switch to 57.6kbps
  Echo + upload commands
        Decide what to upload
        'A' - allrom.bin upload (2MB)
        'a' - loader.bin upload (8K max)
        'k' - zimage.dat upload (581K max)
        'u' - ramdisk.gz upload (1.5MB max)
        Follow changes with 'WYes' to write
  A      <-- press ENTER
  //Uploading 2097152 bytes from allrom.bin
  // done upload: csum=ffffffff (363s)
  WYes   <-- press ENTER

After entering WYes, go for a coffee or something. I'm not sure how long the flashing takes, but I've interrupted it too early a few times and had to do it again. Someone said they figured the orange LED turns on solid during flashing. I've been reading the zpm source code and I can't see where it does that and I've never observed that behaviour.


Installing BURN3 from Linux over WiFi

Only works if your Zipit has firmware earlier than Ver 2.01

Download the following file and unzip it to a directory on your Linux box: Media:zipit_reflash_kit03.zip

In order to install BURN3 using Linux, one first has to configure Linux to be an ad-hoc networking node. For instructions on this, please see: Zipit Linux Setup

Once this is done, follow the original instructions from the heading "Instructions (Windows PC)" all the way down to the bullet that states "Before you press the "NEXT" button, start the ZRS server". Those instructions deal exclusively with the ZipIt device, and are independant of your PC's operating system.

In order to use the zrs utility in Linux, we will make use of WINE. If you're using Ubuntu or another Debian based distribution, you can install WINE by typing:

sudo apt-get install wine

Packages for most other popular distributions are available at the official WINE website.

Now, open up a terminal and a create a new directory to store some stuff. Download and extract BURN3 and zrs by typing:

wget http://aibohack.com/zipit/zipit_reflash_kit03.zip
unzip zipit_reflash_kit03.zip

Now we can fire up zrs with:

wine zrs burn3

Push "Next" on your ZipIt, and it should now connect to the wireless network, and detect that "An update for the Zipit Wireless Messenger is available." Pressing "Next" again will report:

    • Retrieving Update...
    • Verifying Update...
    • Installing Update...

This will take several minutes, and the device will reboot when it is finished.

On your PC, push Ctrl-C to stop the ZRS program, as it is no longer needed.

Finally, put your network settings back by going back to Networking, deactivate "Wireless connection", set the default gateway device back to eth0. If you find that your internet/ethernet connection isn't working right away, a reboot should fix the problem.

Now what?

Now that BURN3 is installed on your ZipIt, you can find out more about what you can do with it here, under the "Try it out" heading. At this time you may also want to setup an NFS server using windows or linux

Try it out

The device should reboot showing the Hacked by Zipit Pet and eventually the penguin logo.

  • login as "root", no password
  • As you know already: when running the Zipit IM app, the shift keys are a prefix (press shift key first, let go, then press the other key) The Linux keyboard driver acts differently. Hold down the SHIFT (up arrow), Alt or Ctrl shift keys and press the other key at the same time (ie. like a normal keyboard). The P1, P2, P3 keys are mapped to F1, F2, F3
  • Alt+P1/P2/P3 will switch virtual consoles.
  • To run the regular Zipit IM app, type the command "zrun" at the command prompt. NOTE: the regular 'Zipit' program run, it will attempt to connect to the real Internet and download the latest firmware. When an update to the official version is released (currently 2.01), reflashing will replace the hacked firmware with something new. Stop it before it gets that far if you want to keep your hacked version. (Note that if you allow it to upgrade to version 2.01, you won't be able to use ZRS to put back a hacked firmware.)
  • When done, be sure to turn off the device (press and hold power switch). If you leave it on and un pluged the battery will run down (ie. there is no auto power off timer when running regular Linux unless you add the zipit tools with these options)
  • The file system on the Zipit device is temporary, extracted from the Flash ROM contents at boot. If you copy over files, they will be lost when the power is turned off.
  • If using a DHCP server, the command "udhcpc" will connect to an open access point (without a WEP) and assign an IP address using DHCP You can then 'telnet' to the Zipit device from your PC.
  • If you have a WL-HDD device configured as recommended (see below), the "n1" command will assign a static IP, and connect to the nfs server.

Also, now you can install OpenZipIt, and do even cooler things with your ZipIt.