Difference between revisions of "BeagleBoardOpenOCD"

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m (Arg, typo again)
m (Add info about hardware breakpoints)
Line 510: Line 510:
  Transfer rate: 36 KB/sec, 224 bytes/write.
  Transfer rate: 36 KB/sec, 224 bytes/write.
  Current language:  auto; currently asm
  Current language:  auto; currently asm
(gdb) '''hb main'''
Hardware assisted breakpoint 1 at 0x8200003c: file LEDblink.c, line 22.
(gdb) '''cont'''
Breakpoint 1, main () at LEDblink.c:22
22                      LEDbrightness++;
Current language:  auto; currently c
  (gdb) '''cont'''
  (gdb) '''cont'''
This should let Beagle's LEDs blink.
This should let Beagle's LEDs blink.
Note: At the moment, we have to set hardware break point ("hb"). Normal break points still don't work due to missing I-Cache support.
=Development internals=
=Development internals=

Revision as of 07:36, 13 September 2009

This page is about how to use open source OpenOCD JTAG software with BeagleBoard. With this, it will be possible to have OMAP3 JTAG debug using cheap JTAG hardware, e.g. Flyswatter.

As of September 2009, OpenOCD has basic support for OMAP3 and ARM Cortex A8 on Beagle Board. Cortex A8 support is in early alpha stage, a lot is still missing. But e.g. processor halt, resume, step, breakpoints and ARM disassembly of non-Cache and non-MMU (e.g. U-Boot) applications seem to work.


  • You need at least OpenOCD revision 2697 (using svn) with some additional patches. With this revision you will have basic access to OMAP3 and Cortex A8 can be basically controlled. This does mean, that OpenOCD is able to configure scan chain correctly to access ARM TAP ("JTAG controller"), explore CoreSight AccessPoints and halt, resume, step, breakpoints and ARM disassembly on Cortex A8.
  • Recent status as of September 2009:
    • OpenOCD >= 2697 can and halt, resume, step, breakpoints and ARM disassembly Cortex A8 (ARM) processor on Beagle.
    • This works for non-MMU and non-Cache applications (e.g U-Boot).
    • Linux debugging doesn't work yet.


To be able to use OpenOCD with OMAP3 based BeagleBoard, make sure that your JTAG Dongle supports:

  • 1.8V devices. Many JTAG dongles are 3.3V only! Verify that your dongle supports 1.8V! Else the dongle will overpowering the input to OMAP3 and may cause damage.
  • Your JTAG dongle is able to switch EMU0 & EMU1 pins high.

Flyswatter dongle supports both requirements. If you use BeagleBoard Adapter Kit with Flyswatter, make sure you plug the JTAG adapter the correct way. There are several possible ways, though. See connection picture how to do it the right way. In contrast to the picture EMU0 & EMU1 jumpers at JTAG adapter should be both at 1-2 position (touching J2).

Build OpenOCD

OpenOCD build instructions describe how to build OpenOCD. For questions you can use OpenOCD Mailing list.

Get OpenOCD code via svn:

> svn checkout svn://svn.berlios.de/openocd/trunk openocd

For Flyswatter you additionally need libftd2xx or libFTDI. While libFTDI is available in source, libftd2xx is supposed to be 50% faster than libFTDI. The libtfd2xx binaries are available booth as shared library or linkable archive.

If you downloaded OpenOCD svn and have libftd2xx or libFTDI, build OpenOCD (assuming you extracted/built FTDI library already):

> cd openocd
> ./bootstrap
> ./configure --enable-ft2232_ftd2xx --with-ftd2xx-linux-tardir=<path_to>/libftd2xx0.4.16 --prefix=/home/user/bin/openOCD
or (depending which FTDI library you use, see above)
> ./configure --enable-ft2232_libftdi --prefix=/home/user/bin/openOCD
> make
> make install

Note: By default (make & make install) only .info documentation is installed. You can get PDF or HTML documentation by

make pdf


make html

Resulting documentation can be found in openocd/doc, then.

Note: If you like to save some disk space and don't plan to debug OpenOCD binary itself, you can strip this (remove unneeded debug symbols):

> cd <openocd_install_dir>/bin
> strip openocd

(e.g. with OpenOCD 1.0 this reduced binary size from ~3MB to ~700kB)

Note: If you don't have libftdi in standard path, you might like to extend library search path:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path_to>/lib

if you e.g. get

> ./openocd
./openocd: error while loading shared libraries: libftdi.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Starting OpenOCD

OpenOCD runtime is controlled by several configuration files. OpenOCD comes with basic configuration files for BeagleBoard (board/ti_beagleboard.cfg) and OMAP3 (target/omap3530.cfg).

Assuming that you use Flyswatter and it is switched on (attached to USB), you can now start OpenOCD with:

openocd -s <path_to_config_files>   // e.g. <path_of_openocd_install_dir>/lib/openocd
        -f <path_to_jtag_interface>
        -f <path_to_beagle_config>

This should result in

> openocd -s lib/openocd/ -f interface/flyswatter.cfg -f board/ti_beagleboard.cfg
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.3.0-in-development (2009-09-12-07:43) svn:2697
$URL: svn://svn.berlios.de/openocd/trunk/src/openocd.c $
For bug reports, read http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/openocd/trunk/BUGS
RCLK - adaptive                                                                                             
Warn : huge IR length 38                                                                                    
Info : RCLK (adaptive clock speed) not supported - fallback to 6000 kHz
Info : JTAG tap: omap3530.jrc tap/device found: 0x0b7ae02f (mfg: 0x017, part: 0xb7ae, ver: 0x0)

This shows that your (Flyswatter) JTAG dongle basically works and that you are able to see OMAP3 JRC. OpenOCD now runs as deamon.

Controlling OpenOCD

Once OpenOCD runs as daemon like above, you can connect using telnet or GDB


Connect to OpenOCD daemon. Assuming you do it on your local machine, open a second terminal window and do (assuming port 4444 as configured in above openocd.cfg):

> telnet localhost 4444
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Open On-Chip Debugger

This should give you

Info:   accepting 'telnet' connection from 0

in window where OpenOCD daemon is started.

At OpenOCDs telnet prompt you can now issue OpenOCD commands. E.g. help should result in

> help                                 
bp                        list or set breakpoint [<address> <length> [hw]]
cpu                       <name> - prints out target options and a comment 
                          on CPU which matches name                        
debug_level               adjust debug level <0-3>                         
drscan                    execute DR scan <device> <num_bits> <value>      
                          <num_bits1> <value2> ...                         
dump_image                dump_image <file> <address> <size>               
exit                      exit telnet session                              
fast                      fast <enable/disable> - place at beginning of    
                          config files. Sets defaults to fast and dangerous.
fast_load                 loads active fast load image to current target -  
                          mainly for profiling purposes                     
fast_load_image           same args as load_image, image stored in memory - 
                          mainly for profiling purposes                     
find                      <file> - print full path to file according to     
                          OpenOCD search rules                              
flush_count               returns number of times the JTAG queue has been   
ft2232_device_desc        the USB device description of the FTDI FT2232     
ft2232_latency            set the FT2232 latency timer to a new value       
ft2232_layout             the layout of the FT2232 GPIO signals used to     
                          control output-enables and reset signals          
ft2232_serial             the serial number of the FTDI FT2232 device       
ft2232_vid_pid            the vendor ID and product ID of the FTDI FT2232   
gdb_breakpoint_override   hard/soft/disable - force breakpoint type for gdb 
                          'break' commands.                                 
gdb_detach                resume/reset/halt/nothing - specify behavior when 
                          GDB detaches from the target                      
gdb_flash_program         enable or disable flash program                   
gdb_memory_map            enable or disable memory map                      
gdb_port                  daemon configuration command gdb_port             
gdb_report_data_abort     enable or disable reporting data aborts           
halt                      halt target                                       
help                      Tcl implementation of help command                
init                      initializes target and servers - nop on subsequent 
interface                 try to configure interface                         
interface_list            list all built-in interfaces                       
irscan                    execute IR scan <device> <instr> [dev2] [instr2]   
jtag                      perform jtag tap actions                           
jtag_device               (DEPRECATED) jtag_device <ir_length> <ir_expected> 
jtag_khz                  set maximum jtag speed (if supported); parameter   
                          is maximum khz, or 0 for adaptive clocking (RTCK). 
jtag_nsrst_delay          jtag_nsrst_delay <ms> - delay after deasserting    
                          srst in ms                                         
jtag_ntrst_delay          jtag_ntrst_delay <ms> - delay after deasserting    
                          trst in ms                                         
jtag_rclk                 fallback_speed_khz - set JTAG speed to RCLK or use 
                          fallback speed                                     
jtag_reset                toggle reset lines <trst> <srst>                   
jtag_speed                (DEPRECATED) set jtag speed (if supported)         
load_image                load_image <file> <address>                        
                          ['bin'|'ihex'|'elf'|'s19'] [min_address]           
log_output                redirect logging to <file> (default: stderr)       
mdb                       display memory bytes <addr> [count]                
mdh                       display memory half-words <addr> [count]           
mdw                       display memory words <addr> [count]                
mwb                       write memory byte <addr> <value> [count]           
mwh                       write memory half-word <addr> <value> [count]      
mww                       write memory word <addr> <value> [count]           
ocd_array2mem             convert a TCL array to memory locations and write  
                          the values  <ARRAYNAME> <WIDTH = 32/16/8>          
                          <ADDRESS> <COUNT>                                  
ocd_flash_banks           return information about the flash banks           
ocd_mem2array             read memory and return as a TCL array for script   
                          processing <ARRAYNAME> <WIDTH = 32/16/8> <ADDRESS> 
pathmove                  move JTAG to state1 then to state2, state3, etc.   
poll                      poll target state                                  
power_restore             Overridable procedure run when power restore is    
                          detected. Runs 'reset init' by default.            
production                <serialnumber> - Runs production procedure. Throws 
                          exception if procedure failed. Prints progress     
                          messages. Implement this procedure in the target   
production                Runs test procedure. Throws exception if procedure 
                          failed. Prints progress messages. Implement in     
                          target script.                                     
production_info           Displays information on production procedure for   
                          target script. Implement this procedure in target  
profile                   profiling samples the CPU PC                       
rbp                       remove breakpoint <address>                        
reg                       display or set a register                          
reset                     reset target [run | halt | init] - default is run  
reset_config              [none/trst_only/srst_only/trst_and_srst]           
resume                    resume target [addr]                               
runtest                   move to Run-Test/Idle, and execute <num_cycles>    
rwp                       remove watchpoint <address>                        
scan_chain                print current scan chain configuration             
script                    <filename> - filename of OpenOCD script (tcl) to   
shutdown                  shut the server down                               
sleep                     <n> [busy] - sleep for n milliseconds. "busy"      
                          means busy wait                                    
soft_reset_halt           halt the target and do a soft reset                
srst_deasserted           Overridable procedure run when srst deassert is    
                          detected. Runs 'reset init' by default.            
step                      step one instruction from current PC or [addr]     
svf                       run svf <file>                                     
target                    configure target                                   
targets                   change the current command line target (one        
                          parameter) or lists targets (with no parameter)    
tcl_port                  port on which to listen for incoming TCL syntax    
telnet_port               port on which to listen for incoming telnet        
test_image                test_image <file> [offset] [type]                  
tms_sequence              choose short(default) or long tms_sequence <short  
                          | long>                                            
verify_image              verify_image <file> [offset] [type]                
verify_ircapture          verify value captured during Capture-IR <enable |
verify_jtag               verify value capture <enable | disable>
version                   show OpenOCD version
virt2phys                 translate a virtual address into a physical
wait_halt                 wait for target halt [time (s)]
wp                        list or set watchpoint [<address> <length> <r/w/a>
                          [value] [mask]]
xsvf                      run xsvf <file> [virt2] [quiet]
armv4_5 core_state        display/change ARM core state <arm | thumb>
armv4_5 disassemble       disassemble instructions <address> [<count>
armv4_5 reg               display ARM core registers
cortex_a8 cache_info      display information about target caches
dap apid                  return id reg from AP [num], default currently
                          selected AP
dap apsel                 select a different AP [num] (default 0)
dap baseaddr              return debug base address from AP [num], default
                          currently selected AP
dap info                  dap info for ap [num], default currently selected
dap memaccess             set/get number of extra tck for mem-ap memory bus
                          access [0-255]
flash bank                flash bank <driver> <base> <size> <chip_width>
                          <bus_width> <target> [driver_options ...]
mflash bank               mflash bank <soc> <base> <RST pin> <target #>
nand device
pld device
target_request debugmsgs  enable/disable reception of debug messages from
trace history             display trace history, ['clear'] history or set
trace point               display trace points, ['clear'] list of trace
                          points, or add new tracepoint at [address]

Example session

Now, we can try to basically halt and resume OMAP3 (assuming U-Boot is running at U-Boot's prompt):

> omap3_dbginit
JTAG tap: omap3530.jrc tap/device found: 0x0b7ae02f (mfg: 0x017, part: 0xb7ae, ver: 0x0)
JTAG Tap/device matched
AHBAP Cached values: dp_select 0x10, ap_csw 0xa2000002, ap_tar 0x54011080
Read MEM_AP_CSW 0x80000042, MEM_AP_TAR 0x54011080
   TargetName         Type       Endian TapName            State
--  ------------------ ---------- ------ ------------------ ------------
0* omap3.cpu          cortex_a8  little omap3530.dap       unknown
0x54011314 00000003                            ....
0x54011314 00000001                            ....

> scan_chain
     TapName            | Enabled |   IdCode      Expected    IrLen IrCap  IrMask Instr
 0 | omap3530.dsp       |    n    | 0x00000000 | 0x00000000 | 0x26 | 0x25 | 0x3f | 0xffffffff
 1 | omap3530.dap       |    Y    | 0x00000000 | 0x0b6d602f | 0x04 | 0x01 | 0x0f | 0x0a
 2 | omap3530.jrc       |    Y    | 0x0b7ae02f | 0x0b7ae02f | 0x06 | 0x01 | 0x3f | 0x3f

> halt
target state: halted
target halted in ARM state due to debug-request, current mode: Supervisor
spsr_svc: 0x400001d3 pc: 0x80e87dcc
MMU: disabled, D-Cache: disabled, I-Cache: enabled

> poll
background polling: on
TAP: omap3530.dap (enabled)
target state: halted
target halted in ARM state due to debug-request, current mode: Supervisor
spsr_svc: 0x400001d3 pc: 0x80e87dcc
MMU: disabled, D-Cache: disabled, I-Cache: enabled

> resume

> poll
background polling: on
TAP: omap3530.dap (enabled)
target state: running

> soft_reset_halt
requesting target halt and executing a soft reset
Target omap3.cpu does not support soft_reset_halt

> cortex_a8 cache_info
cache type: 0x0, unified cache
D-Cache: linelen 8, associativity 2, nsets 64, cachesize 0x400
I-Cache: linelen 8, associativity 2, nsets 64, cachesize 0x400

> halt                                                                          
target state: halted                                                                    
target halted in ARM state due to debug-request, current mode: Supervisor
spsr_svc: 0x400001d3 pc: 0x80e88158
MMU: disabled, D-Cache: disabled, I-Cache: enabled

> armv4_5 disassemble 0x80e88158 10
0x80e88158      0xe3130001      TST r3, #0x1
0x80e8815c      0x0afffffc      BEQ 0x80e88154
0x80e88160      0xe5d00000      LDRB r0, [r0]
0x80e88164      0xe12fff1e      BX r14
0x80e88168      0xe5d00014      LDRB r0, [r0, #0x14]
0x80e8816c      0xe2000001      AND r0, r0, #0x1
0x80e88170      0xe12fff1e      BX r14
0x80e88174      0xe1a02001      MOV r2, r1
0x80e88178      0xe1a01000      MOV r1, r0
0x80e8817c      0xe59f0000      LDR r0, [r15]

> step
target state: halted
target halted in ARM state due to breakpoint, current mode: Supervisor
spsr_svc: 0x400001d3 pc: 0x80e8815c
MMU: disabled, D-Cache: disabled, I-Cache: enabled

> step
target state: halted
target halted in ARM state due to breakpoint, current mode: Supervisor
spsr_svc: 0x400001d3 pc: 0x80e88154
MMU: disabled, D-Cache: disabled, I-Cache: enabled

> bp 0x80e88160 4 hw
breakpoint set at 0x80e88160

> resume
... type anything in U-Boot until breakpoint is hit ...

target state: halted
target halted in ARM state due to breakpoint, current mode: Supervisor
spsr_svc: 0x000001d3 pc: 0x80e88160
MMU: disabled, D-Cache: disabled, I-Cache: enabled

> bp
0x80e88160, 0x4, 1

> rbp 0x80e88160

> resume


To debug an ARM target with GNU debugger (GDB), you need a GDB understanding ARM processor. If your ARM cross compilation tool chain doesn't include a GDB, you can easily build it your self.


  • Download latest GDB sources. OpenOCD docu recommends to use GDB 6.7 or newer. Here, we use GDB 6.8 which is the recent version while writing this.
  • Extract, configure and build GDB for ARM. Afterwards remove temporary stuff. Options are:
    • <path_where_ARM_gdb_shall_be_installed_to> : Directory where you want to install the resulting tool to. E.g. /home/user/arm-gdb/
    • <ARM_toolchain_prefix> : The prefix of your ARM GCC toolchain, e.g. arm-linux or arm-none-linux-gnueabi (CodeSourcery tool chain).
> tar xfj gdb-6.8.tar.bz2
> mkdir build-gdb
> cd build-gdb/
build-gdb > ../gdb-6.8/configure --prefix=<path_where_ARM_gdb_shall_be_installed_to> --target=<ARM_toolchain_prefix> i686-pc-linux-gnu
build-gdb > make -j4
build-gdb > make install
build-gdb > cd ..
> rm -rf gdb-6.8 build-gdb
> export PATH=$PATH:<path_where_ARM_gdb_shall_be_installed_to>/bin


bin> ./arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gdb
GNU gdb 6.8
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "--host=i686-pc-linux-gnu --target=arm-none-linux-gnueabi".

Example session

To use gdb, you have to connect to running OpenOCD using remote command. E.g.:

> arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gdb
GNU gdb 6.8
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "--host=i686-pc-linux-gnu --target=arm-none-linux-gnueabi".

(gdb) target remote localhost:3333
Remote debugging using localhost:3333
0x00000000 in ?? ()                  
(gdb) monitor omap3_dbginit          
JTAG tap: omap3530.jrc tap/device found: 0x0b7ae02f (mfg: 0x017, part: 0xb7ae, ver: 0x0)
AHBAP Cached values: dp_select 0x10, ap_csw 0xa2000002, ap_tar 0x54011080               
SWJ-DP STICKY ERROR                                                                     
Read MEM_AP_CSW 0x80000042, MEM_AP_TAR 0x54011080                                       
    TargetName         Type       Endian TapName            State                       
--  ------------------ ---------- ------ ------------------ ------------                
 0* omap3.cpu          cortex_a8  little omap3530.dap       unknown                     
0x54011314 00000003                            ....                                     
0x54011314 00000001                            ....        
(gdb) monitor scan_chain                                                                
    TapName            | Enabled |   IdCode      Expected    IrLen IrCap  IrMask Instr     
 0 | omap3530.dsp       |    n    | 0x00000000 | 0x00000000 | 0x26 | 0x25 | 0x3f | 0xffffffff
 1 | omap3530.dap       |    Y    | 0x00000000 | 0x0b6d602f | 0x04 | 0x01 | 0x0f | 0x0a      
 2 | omap3530.jrc       |    Y    | 0x0b7ae02f | 0x0b7ae02f | 0x06 | 0x01 | 0x3f | 0x3f

(gdb) info registers
r0             0x0      0
r1             0x60a    1546
r2             0x80000100       2147483904
r3             0x706    1798              
r4             0xc00081b8       3221258680
r5             0x0      0                 
r6             0x80026960       2147641696
r7             0xc00081b8       3221258680
r8             0x0      0                 
r9             0x411fc082       1092599938
r10            0x800268f8       2147641592
r11            0xf731c8f9       4147235065
r12            0x80796ae0       2155440864
sp             0x8051a900       0x8051a900
lr             0x80008018       2147516440
pc             0x8000815c       0x8000815c
fps            0x0      0                 
cpsr           0x0      0  
(gdb) p/x $pc                              
$2 = 0x8000815c                             

(gdb) x/i $pc                              
0x8000815c:     nop                     (mov r0,r0)

(gdb) x
0x80008160:     b       0x8000815c

LED blink example

Magnus Lundin has a simple standalone LED blink test program which can be used for tests.

Clone the code by git, goto cortex_a8/standalone/LEDblink directory, build the example using provided Makefile and then in that directory start gdb (so that .gdbinit is executed):

> arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gdb
GNU gdb 6.8
Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show copying"
and "show warranty" for details.
This GDB was configured as "--host=i686-pc-linux-gnu --target=arm-none-linux-gnueabi".
Setting up the environment for debugging gdb.
0x00000000 in ?? ()
The target may not be able to correctly handle a memory-write-packet-size
of 1024 bytes. Change the packet size? (y or n) [answered Y; input not from terminal]
JTAG tap: omap3530.jrc tap/device found: 0x0b7ae02f (mfg: 0x017, part: 0xb7ae, ver: 0x0)
AHBAP Cached values: dp_select 0x10, ap_csw 0xa2000002, ap_tar 0x54011080
Read MEM_AP_CSW 0x80000042, MEM_AP_TAR 0x54011080
    TargetName         Type       Endian TapName            State
--  ------------------ ---------- ------ ------------------ ------------
 0* omap3.cpu          cortex_a8  little omap3530.dap       unknown
0x54011314 00000003                            ....
0x54011314 00000001                            ....
Loading section .text, size 0xe0 lma 0x82000000
Start address 0x82000000, load size 224
Transfer rate: 36 KB/sec, 224 bytes/write.
Current language:  auto; currently asm

(gdb) hb main
Hardware assisted breakpoint 1 at 0x8200003c: file LEDblink.c, line 22.

(gdb) cont

Breakpoint 1, main () at LEDblink.c:22
22                      LEDbrightness++;
Current language:  auto; currently c

(gdb) cont

This should let Beagle's LEDs blink.

Note: At the moment, we have to set hardware break point ("hb"). Normal break points still don't work due to missing I-Cache support.

Development internals

The sections below give some datails if you are interested in developing OpenOCD for OMAP3 and Cortex A8 used on Beagle. If you like to help to improve OpenOCD support for Beagle, this might help you.


Magnus Lundin wrote a very nice introduction on the basic Cortex A8 (OMAP3) debug architecture.

Cortex A8 support

As mentioned above, OpenOCD has initial experimental Cortex A8 support. Rick Altherr wrote (thanks!) a nice intro how to help with Cortex A8 support for OpenOCD:

The Cortex-M3 support is very similar to Cortex-A8 up to a certain layer. The ARM debug interface is designed as a set of layers that build on each other and can do automatic discovery. The cortex-swjdp support in OpenOCD is a good start, but it assumes which AHB and APB ports are available. The first item would be to verify the cortex-swjdp portion against the documents for the CoreSight debug interface.

To really get started, familiarize yourself with the following docs:

These should be listed in the right order for getting up to speed. Basically the Cortex-A8 debug registers are accessed externally via CoreSight. CoreSight is an implementation of the ARM Debug Interface v5.

The cortex-swjdp implementation in OpenOCD deals with CoreSight but makes some assumptions about which CoreSight components are available. For Cortex-A8, that will likely need to change a bit as the set of components will be different.

After cortex-swjdp is patched to handle the new components, a cortex-a8 target implementation can be started by using the cortex-swjdp layer to access the various debug registers and memory locations.

For discussion about this, see mail #1, mail #2 and mail #3.

Note: With revision ~1570 the cortex-swjdp module in OpenOCD has been renamed to arm_adi_v5 and updated to remove all dependencies on Cortex-M3 specific features and as far as possible only use the ARM Debug Interface v5 features. The Cortex-M3 specifics has been moved to cortex_m3 module. This is a step in preparing OpenOCD for full Cortex-A8 support.

Using recent OpenOCD versions, you can examine CoreSight APs:

> version                                                                                    
Open On-Chip Debugger 0.3.0-in-development (2009-08-30-19:54) svn:2643M

> omap3_dbginit
JTAG tap: omap3530.jrc tap/device found: 0x0b7ae02f (mfg: 0x017, part: 0xb7ae, ver: 0x0)
JTAG Tap/device matched
AHBAP Cached values: dp_select 0x10, ap_csw 0xa2000002, ap_tar 0x54011080
Read MEM_AP_CSW 0x80000042, MEM_AP_TAR 0x54011080
   TargetName         Type       Endian TapName            State
--  ------------------ ---------- ------ ------------------ ------------
0* omap3.cpu          cortex_a8  little omap3530.dap       unknown
0x54011314 00000003                            ....
0x54011314 00000001                            ....

> scan_chain
    TapName            | Enabled |   IdCode      Expected    IrLen IrCap  IrMask Instr
 0 | omap3530.dsp       |    n    | 0x00000000 | 0x00000000 | 0x26 | 0x25 | 0x3f | 0xffffffff
 1 | omap3530.dap       |    Y    | 0x00000000 | 0x0b6d602f | 0x04 | 0x01 | 0x0f | 0x0a
 2 | omap3530.jrc       |    Y    | 0x00000000 | 0x0b7ae02f | 0x06 | 0x01 | 0x3f | 0x3f

> dap apsel 0
ap 0 selected, identification register 0x14770001

> dap info 0
ap identification register 0x14770001
        Type is mem-ap AHB           
ap debugbase 0xffffffff              
        No ROM table present         

> dap info 1
ap identification register 0x04770002
        Type is mem-ap APB           
ap debugbase 0x80000000              
        ROM table in legacy format
        CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0x10, CID0, 0xd
        MEMTYPE system memory not present. Dedicated debug bus
        ROMTABLE[0x0] = 0xd4010003                            
                Component base address 0x54010000, pid4 0x4, start address 0x54010000
                Component cid1 0x90, class is CoreSight component                    
                CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0x90, CID0, 0xd                            
                PID3 0x10, PID2 0x2b, PID1 0xb9, PID0, 0x21                          
        ROMTABLE[0x4] = 0xd4011003                                                   
                Component base address 0x54011000, pid4 0x4, start address 0x54011000
                Component cid1 0x90, class is CoreSight component                    
                CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0x90, CID0, 0xd                            
                PID3 0x10, PID2 0x2b, PID1 0xbc, PID0, 0x8                           
        ROMTABLE[0x8] = 0xd4012003                                                   
                Component base address 0x54012000, pid4 0x0, start address 0x54012000
                Component cid1 0x90, class is CoreSight component                    
                CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0x90, CID0, 0xd                            
                PID3 0x0, PID2 0x9, PID1 0x71, PID0, 0x13                            
        ROMTABLE[0xc] = 0xd4013002                                                   
                Component not present                                                
        ROMTABLE[0x10] = 0xd4019003                                                  
                Component base address 0x54019000, pid4 0x4, start address 0x54019000
                Component cid1 0x90, class is CoreSight component                    
                CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0x90, CID0, 0xd                            
                PID3 0x0, PID2 0x1b, PID1 0xb9, PID0, 0x12                           
        ROMTABLE[0x14] = 0xd401b003                                                  
                Component base address 0x5401b000, pid4 0x4, start address 0x5401b000
                Component cid1 0x90, class is CoreSight component                    
                CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0x90, CID0, 0xd                            
                PID3 0x0, PID2 0xb, PID1 0xb9, PID0, 0x7                             
        ROMTABLE[0x18] = 0xd401d003                                                  
                Component base address 0x5401d000, pid4 0x0, start address 0x5401d000
                Component cid1 0xf0, class is Non standard layout
                CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0xf0, CID0, 0xd
                PID3 0x0, PID2 0x9, PID1 0x73, PID0, 0x43
        ROMTABLE[0x1c] = 0xd4500003
                Component base address 0x54500000, pid4 0x0, start address 0x54500000
                Component cid1 0x90, class is CoreSight component
                CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0x90, CID0, 0xd
                PID3 0x0, PID2 0x19, PID1 0x71, PID0, 0x20
        ROMTABLE[0x20] = 0x0
                End of ROM table

> dap apsel 1
ap 1 selected, identification register 0x04770002

> dap apsel 2
ap 2 selected, identification register 0x14760010

> dap info 2
ap identification register 0x14760010
        Type is jtag-ap
ap debugbase 0x00000000
        No ROM table present

> dap apsel 3
ap 3 selected, identification register 0x00000000

> dap info 3
ap identification register 0x00000000
No AP found at this apsel 0x3
        No ROM table present



To interpret content of above ROMTable, have a look to

With this, we get (first three entries are in the MPU SS Module, address range 0x54010000 - 0x54018000, part number is given by PID1[3-0] and PID0[7-0]):

ROMTABLE[0x0] = 0xd4010003                            
 Component base address 0x54010000, pid4 0x4, start address 0x54010000
 Component cid1 0x90, class is CoreSight component                    
 CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0x90, CID0, 0xd                            
 PID3 0x10, PID2 0x2b, PID1 0xb9, PID0, 0x21
ROMTABLE[0x4] = 0xd4011003                                                   
 Component base address 0x54011000, pid4 0x4, start address 0x54011000
 Component cid1 0x90, class is CoreSight component                    
 CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0x90, CID0, 0xd                            
 PID3 0x10, PID2 0x2b, PID1 0xbc, PID0, 0x8                           
ROMTABLE[0x8] = 0xd4012003                                                   
 Component base address 0x54012000, pid4 0x0, start address 0x54012000
 Component cid1 0x90, class is CoreSight component                    
 CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0x90, CID0, 0xd                            
 PID3 0x0, PID2 0x9, PID1 0x71, PID0, 0x13                            
  • Part number 0x113: This is ????
ROMTABLE[0x10] = 0xd4019003                                                  
 Component base address 0x54019000, pid4 0x4, start address 0x54019000
 Component cid1 0x90, class is CoreSight component                    
 CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0x90, CID0, 0xd                            
 PID3 0x0, PID2 0x1b, PID1 0xb9, PID0, 0x12                           
  • Part number 0x912: TPIU Module.
ROMTABLE[0x14] = 0xd401b003                                                  
 Component base address 0x5401b000, pid4 0x4, start address 0x5401b000
 Component cid1 0x90, class is CoreSight component                    
 CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0x90, CID0, 0xd                            
 PID3 0x0, PID2 0xb, PID1 0xb9, PID0, 0x7                             
  • Part number 0x907: ETB Module.
ROMTABLE[0x18] = 0xd401d003                                                  
 Component base address 0x5401d000, pid4 0x0, start address 0x5401d000
 Component cid1 0xf0, class is Non standard layout
 CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0xf0, CID0, 0xd
 PID3 0x0, PID2 0x9, PID1 0x73, PID0, 0x43
  • Part number 0x343: DAP CTL Module.
ROMTABLE[0x1c] = 0xd4500003
 Component base address 0x54500000, pid4 0x0, start address 0x54500000
 Component cid1 0x90, class is CoreSight component
 CID3 0xb1, CID2 0x5, CID1 0x90, CID0, 0xd
 PID3 0x0, PID2 0x19, PID1 0x71, PID0, 0x20
  • Part number 0x120: SDTI Module.

Debug Register Interface

With above info about debug register interface and table 12-3 in the Cortex-A8 TRM we are able to access this interface using OpenOCDs mdw command:

> omap3.cpu mdw 0x54011000
0x54011000 15141012

This is the debug ID register. See table 12-11 of Cortex-A8 TRM:

Bits Field Value & Function
[31-28] WRP 0x1 -> 2 WRPs are implemented
[27-24] BRP 0x5 -> 6 BRPs are implemented
[23-20] Context 0x1 -> 2 BRPs have context ID capability
[19-16] Debug architecture version 0x4 -> ARMv7 debug
[12] security 0x1 -> Security extensions implemented
[7-4] variant 0x1
[3-0] revision 0x2
> omap3.cpu mdw 0x54011FF0
0x54011ff0 0000000d
> omap3.cpu mdw 0x54011FF4
0x54011ff4 00000090
> omap3.cpu mdw 0x54011FF8
0x54011ff8 00000005
> omap3.cpu mdw 0x54011FFC
0x54011ffc 000000b1

These are the component identification registers. See table 12-51 of Cortex-A8 TRM.