LeapFrog Pollux Platform: Console Access

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Console access is a fundamental building block when working with the LeapFrog Pollux Platform family of devices. It gives you the ability to list files, run scripts and programs, and generally look around inside the Linux operating system running on the device. A few items are needed, most notably an RS232 to TTL level shifter (MAX232) if you want to use the serial port on your PC to connect to the device, or, since those are getting scarce these days, a USB to Serial converter, something like an FTDI cable.

Software Needed

Terminal - TeraTerm, Minicom, Hyperterminal, Cutecom, etc will do.

Hardware Needed

Cartridge to break out the UART pins on the connector. Or hardwire to internal connections

RS232_Level_Shifter or FTDI type USB to TTL serial adapter. 3.3v versions are preferred.

How To

1. You'll need to hook up the hardware, which includes connecting your adapter to your cartridge. Connect adapter Rx to cartridge Tx and adapter Tx to cartridge Rx along with Ground to Ground. Put the cartridge in the device and connect the adapter to your PC.

The +3.3V isn't needed for all Uart connections, however some of the USB->RS-232 breakout boards may require a +3.3V reference voltage.

2. Open your terminal program, and go to the connection configuration section.

  • Baudrate: 115200
  • Parity: None
  • Stop Bits: 1
  • Flow Control: None
  • Com Port/Serial Device:
    • Linux its going to be something like /dev/ttyUSB0 check dmesg after plugging it in to find it.
    • Windows it will be something like Com0 look in Device Manager after plugging it in to find it.

3. With everything connected, and your terminal program connected on the right port. Start up your device, you should start seeing quite a bit of text coming on to the screen. This is the boot up messages, after 20 seconds or so, you should end up at a familiar command prompt, if not, trying hitting return to show it. Once you get the command line, type in ls, you should see a list of folders displayed. If you are not familiar with Linux, this is a good time to familiarize yourself, as you will need to be comfortable on a Linux command line.

Connecting w/o Cartridge

If you don't have a cartridge that breaks out the necessary connections, and you're good with a soldering iron, you can carefully solder on the necessary wires to the internal connections. Then bring the wires out to your serial adapter of choice.

TX, RX, GND, and VCC soldered directly to the pins.
  • Green UART-TX
  • Grey UART-RX
  • Black GROUND
  • Red +3.3V
Picture of the pinout of the LeapFrog Pollux Platform cartridge slot (Underside).