LeapFrog Pollux Platform: STC

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Here's a port [1] of a simple game, STC [2] ("simple tetris clone") that you can install and run on your device provided that it's set up with a framebuffer driver and libSDL rather than the original graphics drivers and Brio. See those howto guides first.

Source code

You can obtain the source code from github. For example:

 git clone clone git://github.com/yurovsky/lx-stc.git
 cd lx-stc


Before building lx-stc, make sure that you've copied the SDL header files to some location, for example a rootfs directory containing /usr/include/sdl. Replace "/path/to/rootfs" with that path below and change the name of your toolchain as needed. Then build the game:

 CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi- ROOTFS_PATH=/path/to/rootfs make


If successful, you'll see ./sdl-stc. Copy that binary to /usr/bin on your device and copy the .bmp files in ./bin/sdl to /usr/share on your device so that you have:



On your device, simply run:


to play the game. Press the "home" button on your device to exit.

Or, on your Linux PC

Want to play sdl-stc on your PC instead? Make sure you have sdl headers installed:

 sudo apt-get install libsdl-dev

And then build the game like this:

 make clean

And to "install" it:

 sudo cp bin/sdl/*.bmp /usr/share
 sudo cp ./sdl-stc /usr/local/bin

And to play it, just run:


The "m" key will exit the game, "p" pauses, etc.