Difference between revisions of "R-Car/Boards/ADAS-View-Solution-Kit"

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(Build image)
(Legacy BSP)
(29 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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== Quick Start ==
== Quick Start ==
=== Build image ===
=== Build BSP images ===
First please visit [[R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-legacy | R-Car Yocto Gen3]] and perform necessary preparation steps 1-12.
Please follow these instruction to build BSP http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#Building_the_BSP_for_Renesas_ADAS_boards:
At step 8 use h3ulcb target name <br/>
At step 16 use images for View ADAS Starter Kit board.
Clone demo layer to allow support of ADAS applications
git clone https://github.com/CogentEmbedded/meta-renesas-quick-start.git
git checkout -b bsp_v212
Add necessary layers to $WORK/build/conf/bblayers.conf
  ${TOPDIR}/../meta-openembedded/meta-networking \
  ${TOPDIR}/../meta-openembedded/meta-multimedia \
  ${TOPDIR}/../meta-renesas-quick-start \
Add necessary features to $WORK/build/conf/local.conf
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " surroundview "
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " opencv-sdk "
DISTRO_FEATURES_append = " wayland"
NOTE: you can refer to http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#Build_scripts_examples section and use scripts as is.
Build and install image as it's described in [http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS] steps 13-16.
bitbake core-image-weston
After all these steps you can start working with boards and apps.
=== Build SDK ===
=== Build SDK ===
After building image run this command to build SDK
Please follow these instruction to build SDK http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#Build_SDK
bitbake core-image-weston -c populate_sdk
After build success the SDK installation script must appears in ./tmp/deploy/sdk directory:
To install SDK run this command and follow instructions on the screen:
=== Build scripts example ===
mkdir build || exit
cd build
echo $WORK
git clone git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky
git clone git://git.linaro.org/openembedded/meta-linaro.git
git clone git://git.openembedded.org/meta-openembedded
git clone git://github.com/CogentEmbedded/meta-rcar.git meta-renesas -b v2.12.0
git clone git://github.com/CogentEmbedded/meta-renesas-quick-start.git meta-renesas-quick-start -b bsp_v212
cd $WORK/poky
git checkout -b tmp 40376446904ae3529be41737fed9a0b650ed167d
cd $WORK/meta-linaro
git checkout -b tmp 9b1fd178309544dff1f7453e796a9437125bc0d9
cd $WORK/meta-openembedded
git checkout -b tmp 8ab04afbffb4bc5184cfe0655049de6f44269990
cd $WORK/meta-renesas
export PATCH_DIR=meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/patch/patch-for-linaro-gcc
patch -p1 < ${PATCH_DIR}/0001-rcar-gen3-add-readme-for-building-with-Linaro-Gcc.patch
cd $WORK/
cd $WORK/meta-renesas
#sh meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/copyscript/copy_proprietary_softwares.sh -f $PKGS_DIR
sh meta-rcar-gen3/docs/sample/copyscript/copy_evaproprietary_softwares.sh -f $PKGS_DIR
cd $WORK/
source poky/oe-init-build-env
#cp $WORK/meta-renesas-quick-start/docs/sample/conf/m3ulcb/*.conf ./conf/.
#cp $WORK/meta-renesas-quick-start/docs/sample/conf/salvator-x/*.conf ./conf/.
#cp $WORK/meta-renesas-quick-start/docs/sample/conf/ttardrive/*.conf ./conf/.
cp $WORK/meta-renesas-quick-start/docs/sample/conf/h3ulcb/*.conf ./conf/.
cd $WORK/build
cp conf/local-wayland.conf conf/local.conf
echo "DISTRO_FEATURES_append = \" use_eva_pkg\"" >> $WORK/build/conf/local.conf
bitbake core-image-weston
bitbake core-image-weston -c populate_sdk
=== Flashing firmware ===
=== Flashing firmware ===
In case you have absolutely new R-Car H3 or M3 board, you need to update firmware.  
Please follow these instruction to flashing firmware http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#Flashing_firmware (optional step)
Please refer to page [[R-Car/Boards/H3SK |R-Car H3SK]] or [[R-Car/Boards/M3SK |R-Car M3SK]] for the instructions
on flashing firmware.
=== U-Boot Environment ===
=== U-Boot Environment ===
For using view board you need to use *-view.dtb file. The example of setting U-Boot environment for booting from SD card:
Please follow these instruction to  boot from SD card http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#Configure_U-Boot_to_boot_from_SD_card <br/>
For View board you must use one of the following dtb files:  
# In U-Boot prompt
setenv bootargs 'console=ttySC0,115200 root=/dev/mmcblk1p1 rootwait consoleblank log_buf_len=1M'
setenv bootcmd 'ext4load mmc 0 48080000 /boot/Image; ext4load mmc 0 48000000 /boot/r8a7795-h3ulcb-view.dtb; booti 48080000 - 48000000'
=== ADAS test applications ===
=== ADAS test applications ===
==== SurroundView GPU version ====
Please follow these instruction to build and use ADAS tests http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#ADAS_test_applications
Clone and build sv-utest application (see the README.md file as well):
git clone https://github.com/CogentEmbedded/sv-utest.git
cd sv-utest
. <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux
mkdir build
cd build
Copy the resulted binaries on rootfs. As example, for SD card:
mkdir <mountpoint>/home/root/sv
sudo cp sv-utest/bin/sv-utest <mountpoint>/usr/bin/
sudo cp sv-utest/libs/gen3/libsv.so <mountpoint>/usr/lib/
sudo cp -r sv-utest/resources/* <mountpoint>/home/root/sv/
See the manual for instructions [https://github.com/CogentEmbedded/sv-utest/blob/master/docs/cogente_sv_manual_public.pdf R-Car Surround View manual] on how to run and use SurroundView application. In short:
cd /home/root/sv
sv-utest -v /dev/video0,/dev/video1,/dev/video2,/dev/video3
==== SuroundView IMR version ====
Save mesh object file from the GPU SurroundView: after calibartion and sphere adjusting are done, press S on the main 3d view to save mesh file.
Mesh object file name is "meshFull.obj" in the current working directory of SurroundView.
Clone and build imr-sv-utest application (see the README.md file as well):
git clone https://github.com/CogentEmbedded/imr-sv-utest.git
cd imr-sv-utest
. <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux
mkdir build
cd build
IMR SuroundView executable stored ../bin directory.
It's need to generate png files with car model images before running IMR SurroundView. Copy executable "gen" from "prebuilt/GEN3" directory
to the H3 board.
Example of generation png files with car (avalaible only for Gen3):
./gen -w <width> -h <height> -c <color> -o <path to store> -s <positions> -m <car object> \
-l <car length> -S <shadow rectangle> -d <debug>
./gen -w 1920 -h 1080  -c 0x404040FF -o ./data/model -s 8:32:8 -m Car.obj -l 1.0  -S -0.2:-0.10:0.2:0.10
Run the IMR SurroundView with the generated png files:
./imr-wl -f uyvy -v /dev/video0,/dev/video1,/dev/video2,/dev/video3 -w 1280 -h 800 -W 1920 -H 1080 \
-r /dev/video4,/dev/video5,/dev/video6,/dev/video7,/dev/video4,/dev/video5,/dev/video6,/dev/video7 -m ./data/model \
      -M meshFull.obj -X 1920 -Y 1080 -S -0.30:-0.10:0.30:0.10 -g 1.0 -s 8:32:8
Run "./imr-wl -h" for options explanation.
==== 8 Camera Demo (GPU + IMR version) ====
Demo application demonstrates surround view with pre-defined viewpoints on Renesas boards
with 4 additional cameras for mirror replacement purposes. First additional camera works
as driver monitor.
Save mesh object file from the GPU SurroundView: after calibartion and sphere adjusting are done, press S on the main 3d view to save mesh file.
Mesh object file name is "meshFull.obj" in the current working directory of SurroundView.
Clone and build 8-cam-imr-gpu-sv-utest application (see the README.md file as well):
git clone https://github.com/CogentEmbedded/8-cam-imr-gpu-sv-utest.git
cd 8-cam-imr-gpu-sv-utest
. <SDK_INSTALL_PATH>/environment-setup-aarch64-poky-linux
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
Demo executable "sc" stored ../bin directory.
It's need to generate png files with car model images before running IMR SurroundView. Copy executable "gen" from "prebuilt/" directory
to the H3 board.
Example of generation png files with car (avalaible only for Gen3):
./gen -w <width> -h <height> -c <color> -o <path to store> -s <positions> -m <car object> \
-l <car length> -S <shadow rectangle> -d <debug>
./gen -w 1920 -h 1080  -c 0x404040FF -o ./data/model -s 8:32:8 -m Car.obj -l 1.0  -S -0.2:-0.10:0.2:0.10
Copy resources files to directory where application will be runned from "resources/".
Copy libdrivermonitor.so and libsv.so from "lib/" directory to rootfs.
Copy "resources/adas-utest" directory to /usr/share on rootfs.
Run the application:
./sc -W 1920 -H 1080 -m ./data/model -M meshFull.obj -X 1920 -Y 1080 -g 1.0 -b 0x000000 -c config.txt -S -0.20:-0.1:0.20:0.1 -s 8:32:8
To control application with SpaceNav start SpaceNav daemon: spacenavd command.
There are 5 widgets on the main screen: main 3d SurroundView screen, DriverMonitor camera,
right, left and rear mirror replacement cameras.
To change focus on widget press right button on SpaceNav.
To change zoom and view on mirror replacement cameras rotate SpaceNav joystick, when widget is in focus.
To hide Driver Monitor camera and mirror cameras press and hold left button on joystick, when widget is in focus.
To switch to IMR demo press left button on SpaceNav joystick, when main 3d SurroundView in focus.
To get back from IMR demo press left button again.
To rotate view in IMR demo use joystick or touchscreen.
=== Legacy BSP ===
Legacy BSP instruction can be found here [[R-Car/Boards/ADAS-View-Solution-Kit-legacy | ADAS View Solution Kit legacy]]

Latest revision as of 00:00, 14 September 2017


This is the official Wiki for Renesas R-Car ADAS View Solution Kit.

Refer to R-Car Starter Kit Pro page
Refer to R-Car Starter Kit Premier page

Where to buy


ADAS View Solution Kit Documentation


System with LVDS cameras


Quick Start

Build BSP images

Please follow these instruction to build BSP http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#Building_the_BSP_for_Renesas_ADAS_boards:

At step 8 use h3ulcb target name
At step 16 use images for View ADAS Starter Kit board.

NOTE: you can refer to http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#Build_scripts_examples section and use scripts as is.

Build SDK

Please follow these instruction to build SDK http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#Build_SDK

Flashing firmware

Please follow these instruction to flashing firmware http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#Flashing_firmware (optional step)

U-Boot Environment

Please follow these instruction to boot from SD card http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#Configure_U-Boot_to_boot_from_SD_card
For View board you must use one of the following dtb files:


ADAS test applications

Please follow these instruction to build and use ADAS tests http://elinux.org/R-Car/Boards/Yocto-Gen3-ADAS#ADAS_test_applications

Legacy BSP

Legacy BSP instruction can be found here ADAS View Solution Kit legacy